impactmania Santa Barbara!
December 2015
Happy Holiday Meeting
The Santa Barbara, California, Issue
December offers a triple celebration. With excitement for the holidays and anticipation building for 2016, we are launching impactmania, a monthly online magazine featuring inspiring thinkers and doers who drive impact.
December is a month to stay close to home. In this issue, you will find Santa Barbara impact makers. Those who drive impact in their communities, nation, and in some cases the world.
You will hear from Santa Barbara residents: lead counsel for Nuclear Zero Laurie Ashton and two-time Emmy Award-winning composer Trevor Morris. We also feature the only two American social entrepreneurs in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, Daniel Spitzer and Teresa Law, an alumna of Santa Barbara’s Westmont College.
December’s featured artist is Santa Barbara painter Masha Keating, who is preparing for her upcoming show Gaia’s Path. Masha shares what she learned from painter Tom Wudl. Tom’s brother, Fred Wudl, another impact maker (Professor Fred Wudl was the first to create an effective organic solar cell.) lives in Santa Barbara.
We are also fan of featured artist: photographer Kevin Steele who shares an impact maker he photographed: Eckhart Tolle. Tolle was named as the most spiritually influential person in the world by Watkins Review (2011).
Featured Santa Barbaran Barbara Greenleaf shares why David Cygielman, CEO of Moishe House, is her favorite impact maker. David graduated from UC Santa Barbara.
Impactmania also caught up with Jack Nadel, entrepreneur and author of The Evolution of an Entrepreneur. A book supported by many business leaders including featured Santa Barbaran Barbara Greenleaf. It demonstrates the one-degree of separation of Santa Barbara powerhouses.
Share your favorite impact maker — we will be on the road starting in January 2016! We’ll kick off the New Year in New York.
Enjoy December!
P.S. Each month we have contributions from future impact makers: check out UCSB, PhD candidate, Chelsea Catania’s article Fixing the Leaky Pipeline and Westmont College’s Chad Sykes’s In Appreciation of the Shredder.