impactmania’s Berlin issue is out!
After a series of American cities, we are going overseas. The first European city we cover is Berlin.
While Berlin Biennale is opening this week…
All your senses awaken in Berlin. An eclectic hub of art, culture, and societal impact, all mixed with great food — yes, you would need to travel for that last one. However, this issue will offer you an amazing lineup of thinkers and doers who are involved in fascinating and meaningful work to stir up your other senses.
Make City Festival’s founder Francesca Ferguson is asking us to think about the consequences of government selling off land to the highest bidder. Read how Berlin still has an opportunity to further develop into a city unlike others.
Artist Barbara Caveng has been working with asylum seekers in Berlin on various art projects to redefine home. Her initiative KUNSTASYL will be on view at the Museum of European Cultures in Berlin.
The refugee issue has also affected architect Van Bo Le-Mentzel. He came to fame in 2010 with his project “Hartz-IV-Designermöbel,” and talked with us about “spark-ups” and how the German constitution and Spiderman inspire his work.
Jochen Kienzle from the Kienzle Art Foundation asks us what we see. It sounds simple, but it is a tall order.
And what do you hear? The Berlin Phil was one of the first to bring the orchestra into our homes through the Digital Concert Hall. The Berlin Phil Digital Media’s Robert Zimmermann shares behind-the-scenes details.
Then, we visited Marie Le Fèbvre, one of the 500 Parfumeurs Créateurs in the world. She asks you to think about the source of fragrances. Unlike many perfumers, she ensures the ingredients she uses are sourced ethically.
You can see why Berlin is the first European city we cover.
P.S. Subscribe to impactmania’s newsletter and see who we cover next. And/or connect us with your favorite impact maker in Amsterdam, Istanbul, Hong Kong, Sydney, and beyond!
impactmania features thinkers and doers who drive cultural, social, and/or economic impact. This year we will interview impact makers in 12 cities across 5 continents.